Wednesday, May 21, 2008

back in ann arbor

So today, I am back in Ann Arbor for a friend's wedding on Friday and also some meetings with professors and mentors from now until then to discuss more about my options for the next 2 years. Currently, I have two options:

1. Working with in the United States with a firm addressing a range of international development projects.
2. Work in Viet Nam with either a foundation developing new health programs, or with an NGO as a programs manager.

The current issue for me is what job is going to give me the type of training and experience that I will need to best understand and navigate the "international development" world. Understandably, the 1st will develop my administrative/managerial skill sets, whereas the 2nd option will develop my technical skills. That is a very simplistic way of putting it, but I think the best. It has been said before that both options are good options...however, I just want to be sure that I am making the best selection to spend the next 2 years of my life. I have talked to numerous people about this already, and tomorrow will talk to more. I need to have a decision by Friday.

On to fun things....while I am in Ann Arbor, I am crashing at my friend Drew's place. Drew and I have been friends since Freshman year of college, but the friendship dwindled after Freshman year until we randomly met each other again at the end of our last years in our Masters program, him in Engineering and me in Public Health (we both did a joint Bachelors+Masters in 5 years without knowing the other took the same route). Needless to say, we picked up from exactly where we left off, and I think integrated both in each others groups of friends pretty well...a true mark of a good, solid friendship. So I am in Ann Arbor once again, hanging out, meeting with people, and just enjoying myself. It almost feels like old times, except for the fact that when I drove into the city today, I realized I was no longer driving home.

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