Monday, March 15, 2010

Fansipan Scramble

I made it to the summitt of Mt. Fansipan, the highest peak in Southeast Asia (3143m)!.  I started the climb at 7:00am at 1900m, summitted at 12:10pm, had lunch on top, which was extremely freezing, and then headed back down to 2200m to camp for the night.  The next day, woke up, and trekked down to 1200m through H'mong and Zay villages.  The trek ended with a traditional Red Zao foot soak and an all body massage back at the guest house!  Not to bad!

My knees are extremely shot right now and I am still sore all over...but the trek was definitely worth it!  Climbing through bamboo forest, scrambling over rock walls, swimming in cold and re-freshing swimming holes, and the view from the top of Fansipan were amazing!  Below are some pictures, enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like how the name closely resembles fancy pants. :-Þ