Thursday, August 13, 2009

32,000 feet

Location: AA flight from Boston to Dallas (32,000 feet)

Yes, that is right! I am 32,000 ft in the air and blogging! Who knew that wireless internet would be equipped on planes? Gone are the days when flying meant escaping email, work, and 'the world.' I think the nice thing is that it still comes as a shocker to some people, especially those 'on the ground,' that you are skyping, gchatting, or IMing with them in real time as you are flying. It is an amazing feat of technology: the ability to write this blog, share this experience, and see clouds beneath me, listen to the constant humming of the plane engine, and sit next to a completely random elderly man who is obsessed with the bricks game on his blackberry {seriously! how long can you really play that game? I am surprised his fingers can nagivate the little ball for that long}.

Until my next blog, over and out!

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